
Chips represent filters for a collection of content.

When to use

Chips allow a user to filter a collection of content. The label shows a tag or a descriptive word of the filtered content (or better said, the selected content). They can be a good alternative to checkboxes when viewing a list or search results.

Specifically, a Filter Chip can be applied when one or more of the following applies:

  • To select one or multiple options in order to (instantly) filter a collection of content;
  • As an alternative to checkboxes when viewing a list or results;
  • As a way to use space more efficiently as they are (more) suited for horizontal alignment;
  • As a way to show available (filter) options more visually (using a trailing icon).


Chips are suited for horizontal alignment, wrapping it to a second line when space is insufficient. The margin between individual Filter Chips within a group should be sufficient but not too large. An 8px margin is recommended.

For readability purposes, we left-align our content as much as possible. Make sure to align Chips with the content on the page.